Since I have almost never used social media, my mom told me to watch a video on why and how social media is bad for

Since I have almost never used social media, my mom told me to watch a video on why and how social media is bad for the brain and how it changes you and the way you think. Here’s the video: Watch this video on YouTube So I watched the video and now I’m gonna give you my thoughts on it.
» Read moreToday I will be writing about Cardinal de Richelieu for history. Cardinal de Richelieu was one of the most powerful and influential men in the 17th century. He was a very smart boy and was sent off to college at age 9 to study philosophy. In 1606 he became a bishop. This was unusual due to the fact that he
» Read moreSo today I won’t be doing anything that is super funny. I am just wandering if anyone else is trying to say something but you switch the words? Like one time, me and my friends were playing in my sprinklers a long time ago and after a hour or two I said: “I am gonna turn the sprinklers off, the
» Read moreToday I will be writing about Elizabeth the 1st Queen of England. This is a essay for History 7th grade. I will also include a few more important people that also lived during the Elizabethan Era. Elizabeth was the last monarch of the Twor Dyansty in England. She became queen on January 15 1559, and reigned for 44 years. She
» Read moreSo since it’s 2018 I have new chores to do in the morning and throughout the day. So I am gonna be talking about my daily routine of 2018! I wake up at 7:00 and get ready for the day, that includes: Brush teeth, brush hair, and get dressed. After I am ready for the day I eat breakfast and
» Read moreOK so starting off I want to mention that vine died. it got taken down and such and it really sucks. I have heard that there is a Vine2 in the making. I am probably gonna download once it comes out but Today for funny Friday I will be showing you some of my favorite vines. Since vanes are funny
» Read moreToday is actually Tuesday but yesterday I missed Minecraft Monday so today I am posting about minecraft. I will be talking about some cool servers and mods you can use in Minecraft, and also telling you my top 5 favorite Minecraft youtubers. The first server I recommend is defiantly Mineplex. IP Address: Next would have to be Hypixel. IP
» Read moreI created a mythical world that I “live in” and I am gonna tell you about it! So the city is called Jorvik and it is full of trees, bushes, flowers, and perfectly paved roads. It is a lovely city. It is not a very populated city, but it is a very safe, happy, and peaceful place! The
» Read moreIn this essay I will be writing about the ancient civilizations of the Middle East and India. I will be telling you about each civilization individually, and also characteristics they have in common. In the Middle East The Fertile Crescent is a major agricultural center. The Fertile Crescent is between two rivers, the Tigress and Euphrates. In ancient India the
» Read moreIf I lived in the Middle East during 1000 B.C. to 500 A.D. I feel like it would be interesting. If I lived in the ancient middle east my day would look something like this… I woke up early this morning and I prayed, as I always do five times a day. Next I had to go outside and feed
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