The Dangers of MSG aka Monosodium Glutamate by Jaclyn
Here is a list of some of the known dangers of MSG:
- known carcinogen
- endocrine disrupter
- killer of brain cells
- may also be linked to the development of cardiac problems
- kidney problems
- neurological disorders
- Alzheimer’s
- Lou Gehrig’s disease
The sad part to all of this is that millions of people eat this dangerous toxin every day.
I ate MSG and it gave me a red bumpy skin rash on my legs that hurt, so I try not to eat MSG as much as I can.
My mom tells me all the time that MSG is not good for me at all and last night I wanted some chips that had MSG in them and I told her they where safe which was a huge fail! That’s why I’m writing this article now.
It’s the least I can do to tell people since every one eats this dangerous toxin and it’s so bad for you. I’m telling you right now… don’t eat MSG!
Do you really know what’s in vaccines? According to the CDC, all of the following neurotoxic metals and chemicals are intentionally added to vaccines: Mercury, MSG (monosodium glutamate), Formaldehyde and Aluminum. Here is some more information.
Here is more important health information:

Congressional briefing describing the “Vaccine Court” and how it works
This also explains the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a national vaccine “safety” surveillance program co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control, and the conflict of interest in having the Pharmaceutical companies run the studies on their own drugs and the “revolving door” between the CDC, FDA and Pharmaceutical companies. Also mentioned is the extreme amount of money spent lobbying (ahem paying off politicians) to pass laws that make Big Pharma more money with no risk of recourse against them by those damaged or killed by their vaccines. It’s only 45 minutes long, easy to follow and explains a great deal.
Robert Kennedy Jr. tells of the cover up, vaccines causing autism (Update: Not just due to mercury)
Suzanne Humphries, M.D., a practicing nephrologist (kidney physician) says the vaccine industry isn’t giving people both sides of the story, and parents need to get informed before subjecting their children to vaccines that can potentially cause serious harm or even death:
This is a really good article I found for my research this morning:
To create and sustain health, feeding the body properly is absolutely essential – which is why I advise my patients to eliminate all processed foods. Why is this so critically important? Because virtually all processed foods are loaded with bad-for-the-body additives that wreak havoc on your health. Topping the charts of dangerous additives is the deservedly maligned MSG, (monosodium glutamate), a known carcinogen, endocrine disrupter and killer of brain cells, which may also be linked to the development of cardiac problems, kidney problems, neurological disorders, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease to name a few. Any wonder why feel I must spread the word on this devastating toxin millions of people eat every day?
To follow are a few key points everyone needs to know about MSG – which I hope will inspire you to jettison the stuff from your pantry, fridge and ultimately, your life:
Not Feeling So Good?
Processed foods fill the body with additives. Whole foods don’t. MSG, which is found in an estimated 80% of processed foods, sets off a variety of adverse reactions such as skin rashes, headaches, moodiness, irritability, IBS, heart palpitations, depression and more, depending on your tolerance. How fast and hard you get hit by these problems depends on your ability to tolerate it, but regardless, eating foods laced with MSG are devastating to your organs. In short, MSG has the ability to make people feel lousy in the short term and potentially, very, very sick in the long-term. Whole, unprocessed foods have the opposite effect. The choice is yours.
Do It Yourself
The simplest way to keep MSG off your plate? Cook for yourself. Keep restaurant meals to a minimum and eliminate processed foods. In other words, take control of your ingredients and what goes on your plate. Most restaurant meals are flavor “enhanced” with MSG, as are virtually all processed foods, so the more you cook for yourself, the fewer additives you’ll be dumping into your bloodstream. Assemble your meals from fresh, whole foods, veggies and fruits, unprocessed and uncut to ensure you’re eating MSG-free.
What Did You Say Your Name Was?
Chances are, if you saw MSG on the label, you’d put it right back on the shelf and keep walking. Food processers know this, so it’s rare that you’ll see the actual phrase “MSG” on a label. Instead, they hide the evidence by making MSG difficult to identify. Also known as glutamate (the chemical in monosodium glutamate), MSG often lurks behind murky phrases like “natural ingredients,” “natural seasonings, ” “natural flavors,” or specific ones that don’t easily reveal the presence of MSG, such as maltodextrin, gelatin, glutamic acid, citric acid, hydrolyzed yeast, protein isolate, textured protein, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP), soy protein extract, autolyzed plant protein, autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate and modified corn starch to name a few. As the FDA doesn’t consider glutamate hazardous to eat, it’s easy for food processors to blur the presence of MSG, making it nearly impossible for the average consumer to recognize.
“No Added MSG” Doesn’t Mean MSG-free
Even more absurd is the loophole that allows processed foods to be marked “no added MSG,” or “contains no MSG,” even though they still contain glutamate, the chemical in MSG. While it may seem like hair-splitting, the phrases “no added MSG,” “contains no MSG,” and even “MSG-free” are by no means a guarantee that glutamate isn’t in the processed foods you buy. Even some processed organic foods are guilty of hiding the nasty stuff. In many cases, a close label-reading will turn up glutamate here too, so my advice is to skip all processed foods, organic or otherwise.
Shop Like A Sleuth
If you must eat the occasional processed food, look for items with no more than 3-to-5 ingredients on the label, and be sure each ingredient is an actual food or specific spice, not a blend of chemical additives. Also, when you go to the supermarket, take along a copy of Truth In Labeling’s comprehensive guide to the names of ingredients that contain MSG. You can download a PDF from . For a more in-depth examination of MSG’s impact on your health, take a look at Dr. Russell Blaylock’s excellent book ‘Excitotoxins – The Taste That Kills’ – you’ll never look at processed foods the same way again!
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Hope you enjoyed all my information and won’t eat MSG!
Well done essential reading,
Vital map through the modern food minefield